Max and Car Stories

Max and Car Stories

Aarav Mishra (8 years)

TTT (Time, Travel & Teleport) Car
Once upon a time, there was a man named Max Wilson. He used to wear a green jacket with blue shirt, and he had black hair and deep blue eyes.
Max was a car technician and worked at a Porsche workshop. He was walking down Crackle Street because that was where his workshop was located. Once he reached the workshop, he noticed they were making a magical car that could time travel and teleport; so, he jumped in to help.
Once they finished the time travel engine and the teleport engine, they popped them into a car and tested them. The outcomes were not good at all, traveling only 10m while teleporting and time travelling only 1 minute.
Then they took out the engines and thought hard of what to do. One of the workers suggested that they could change it. So they made some adjustments and put the engine for teleporting and time traveling back in. They tested again and this time it worked! It could time travel and teleport as much as you wanted!
After the magic car was made, all the tired workers went home. Max ate pumpkin soup for dinner and was extremely happy and tired at the same time. He went to sleep, ready for another big day like this and had amazing dreams.

Cape Car, Speedo
Max was walking down Crackle Street again to get to the Porsche workshop. The workers said they were making a car that was blue and had grey circles with 946 written in deep green. Bill Haddock, one of the workers, also said it would have a hole in the back with a door, which is where a cape would come out. It would also have a gun that would shoot metal to make a ramp. Max mentioned that he had booked a race and wanted to race with the fastest car, which they were going to complete making in two days.
The racing day arrived two days later, and he used the Cape Car. He heated the wheels, cleaned the car and did everything else he could possibly do and by the time he finished, it was racing time. It was a 100-lap race of 2km laps. One by one each racing car came out. The first person to bring their car was Tim, Ash was second, Alexander was third, Kenny was fourth and Max was last. Jonny, the commentator, blew the horn with a three-two-one and everybody started racing and the crowd cheered loudly and wildly. Max sped around the corners and zoomed straight for ninety laps but even after this he was in the second place. He got angry and accelerated so hard that the car went as fast as a golden eagle and overtook Kenny. He maintained the speed until the ninety-nineth lap.
The car ran out of petrol for driving and its wheel got punctured. It could only go on for ten meters and the finish line was thirty meters ahead.
Immediately, an idea came to his head. He made a ramp ten metre long and then he drove up it at maximum speed and glided to the finish line; but Kenny was catching up. Kenny almost won but Max just landed on the finish line by gliding.
After the trophy was handed out, Max raised it in the air and walked off the racing track and went home happy. He ate chicken and rice for dinner. He also filled the tank with petrol and replaced the punctured wheel. He was very sleepy and went to sleep ready for another big day like this one and had wonderful dreams.

Flying Car
Max was walking down Burnt Ave because he wanted to take a different route to usual and arrived at the other side of his Porsche workshop. On that side, his team was planning to make a silver flying car. They had lots of things to make it fly but it would not fly as good as a plane.
They had finished making the car, but they couldn’t decide what to use to make it fly. All the options were extremely good, so it was a difficult decision. Finally, they managed to choose the 8 rocket blasters.
Now they got the real problem of how they were going to make the 8 rocket blasters and what material they would use. They finalised the newest type of coal named ‘everlasting coal’, wood and metal.
One of them said they could cover everything with metal after they made 2 robotic hands that rubbed the wood and the coal at the front. The wood would start burning and the coal would make the fire bigger. Then the car could take off. He was so happy with the outcome.
At home time, he was boasted about the amazing flying car they made!

Hectic Racer
Max was walking down the new underground tunnels the city had made. The tunnel didn’t lead exactly to the Porsche workshop, but it was near enough. The tunnel was named Natural Tunnel because the light you got was the sun’s natural light. One of the workers told him to come to the back of the workshop, which was the building zone where they had built all their amazing cars. When he arrived at the workshop, he saw a fast car being built. They named it the Porsche1.
As they built it, the workers asked if they could do a race. “Yes, of course we can!” Max replied. As they continued making an amazing car, Max booked a race. “We will be racing in a tournament tomorrow” Max announced. The workers squealed in excitement. They added fancy gadgets to make the car go faster. They added cool stuff and put small pieces together. It was so much faster now. They also added some fins to help it glide with the wind. These made the car even faster. Max let them go home after they decorated the car.
It was late at night now and they went to sleep. The next morning, they got the car ready for racing. The race was in the afternoon, so they did some practice tests.
During the practice tests, they lost 2 of the wheels. Workers tried to look for them, but they didn’t know where they rolled off.
They knew what to fix. They added a wheel on and sealed it with pieces of metal. It was an easy fix, but it took long to attach the metal on. As they put the metal on, it was time for racing. They showed their car to everyone first and people saw how they fixed the wheels. Bill Haddock mentioned that other racers have fast cars too.
At the beginning of the race, Max was falling behind. He accelerated harder and harder and harder and tried to snatch the victory out of the champion’s hand. There was still a person ahead of him. He pressed harder and moved his gear up to 7. He was worried if the car would overheat. But he remembered that the finswould help. He pushed a button and changed the gear from 7 to 8 to 9. He shot past whoever was in front of him like a bullet. Probably faster! He shot passed the 47 laps mark. Just three laps to go, he thought in his head. He changed to gear 11 and blasted off at the speed of light. He completed 2 laps in record time. He broke the world record! Max was ecstatic that he got the gold medal and broke the world record! Bronzo got silver! It is a race between Strat and Plak. And Plak wins it, just! What a race it was! What a race!
Max was delighted and celebrated with his company and hoped for more days like this. He told everybody about his amazing win!




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