Despair for the World

Despair for the World

Paulash (Jishnu) Chatterjee

Newspapers are filled with stories about bloodshed and intolerance,

The raw message of universal humanity is not paid any adherence,

People the world over are marching to guarantee their rights,

This would be one of the most worthwhile fights.

Hatred, wars and civil unrest seem to be the new reality,

Self-interest appears to be the most significant religious identity,

In distant lands, countries battle against each other for territorial integrity,

The ‘war economy’ thrives because diplomacy is not the main policy.

Serious incidents are the cause of people gathering in public to remonstrate,

The sheer willpower of humanity is an organic product one can demonstrate,

Crimes are committed and lies are promoted within an environment of duplicity,

Information is not verified, so facts are presented without authenticity.

Drought, famine and floods seem to be sending us a signal of impending calamity,

Destruction and exploitation of nature has resulted in ecological catastrophe,

Globalisation has brought some countries an increased level of prosperity,

Whilst other nations face heightened levels of debt and adversity.

I dream of a future marked by compassion and sanity,

Justice, freedom and common bond sustains society,

“Truth” remains the polestar of humanity,

Narrow walls of religion and power,

Are replaced by hearts of a blooming flower.




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